Amiga Format CD 32
Amiga Format AFCD32 (Nov 1998, Issue 117).iso
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200 lines
;* Installation script for MRQ, the MUI requester improver *
;* $VER: MRQ_Install 1.0 (15-Feb-98) *
;* © 1998 Matthias Bethke *
;* *
;* ToDo: let user configure MRQ from within installer *
(procedure expertmsg msg
(if (> @user-level 1) (message (cat "\n\n" msg)))
(procedure F_GetDir _prompt _help _default
(set #Where
(prompt _prompt)
(help _help)
(default _default)
(procedure F_findconfig
(set #Configfile "")
(iconinfo (dest #Installname) (gettooltype "CONFIGFILE" "#Configfile"))
(if (not (strlen #Configfile))
(F_GetDir #P_WConfig #H_WConfig #WhereMRQ)
(set #Configfile (tackon #Where "MRQ.config"))
(procedure F_findimages
(set #WhereImages "")
(iconinfo (dest #Installname) (gettooltype "IMAGES" "#WhereImages"))
(if (not (strlen #WhereImages))
(F_GetDir #P_WImages #H_WImages #WhereMRQ)
(set #WhereImages (tackon #Where "MRQ-images"))
(procedure F_copyconfig
(expertmsg (cat #M_CopyingConfig #Configfile))
(source #cfgsrc)
(dest (pathonly #Configfile))
(newname "MRQ.config")
(optional askuser)
(procedure F_copymrq icon
(if icon
(expertmsg (cat #M_CopyingMRQ #M_CopyingMRQIcon #M_To #WhereMRQ))
(copyfiles (source "MRQ") (infos) (dest #WhereMRQ) (optional askuser))
(expertmsg (cat #M_CopyingMRQ #M_To #WhereMRQ #M_KeepingMRQIcon))
(copyfiles (source "MRQ") (dest #WhereMRQ) (optional askuser))
;************** START **************
(if (< @installer-version 2752524) (abort "This script requires Installer V42.12 or greater!"))
; !4 NOVICEs
(if (= @user-level 0) (set @user-level 1))
;no english-only config available yet
(if (= @language "english") (set #cfgsrc "MRQ.config") (set #cfgsrc "MRQ.config"))
;************** initialize variables **************
(set #M_Welcome "\n\nWelcome to\n\nMRQ\n\nThe MUI requester improver")
(set #E_Need020 "MRQ requires at least a 68020 CPU!")
(set #P_WInstall "Where do you want MRQ to be installed?")
(set #H_WInstall "The MRQ executable will be copied to this directory. If you want MRQ to start automatically on bootup, just accept the default.")
(set #P_WImages "Where do you want the images to be copied?\n(a directory will be created)")
(set #H_WImages "The installer will create a directory called\n\"MRQ-Images\"\ninside the directory you select and copy all images there")
(set #P_WConfig "Where do you want to keep the config file?\n")
(set #H_WConfig "A small file called \"MRQ.config\" will be copied to this directory")
(set #M_NoInstalledVer "There is no previously installed version")
(set #M_CopyingConfig "Copying config file as ")
(set #M_CopyingMRQ "Copying MRQ ")
(set #M_To "to ")
(set #M_CopyingMRQIcon "and its icon ")
(set #M_KeepingMRQIcon "\n(old icon will not be overwritten)")
(set #M_VersionToInstall "\n\nVersion to install: V")
(set #M_InstalledVersion "Already installed version: V")
(set #M_CfgExists1 "\n\nConfig file ")
(set #M_CfgExists2 " already exists - not overwritten")
(set #C_CheckNewImgs1 "Copy new images")
(set #C_CheckNewImgs2 "Don't copy anything")
(set #P_CheckImageDir "\n\nShould the distribution be checked for any new images that are not yet installed in ")
(set #H_CheckImageDir (cat
"If you select \"Copy new images\", installer will check for files in the distribution's MRQ-images "
"directory that you don't have in your image directory yet and copy them if it finds any.\n\n\"Don't "
"copy anything\" leaves your image directory as it is."
(set #M_CopyingAllImages "Copying all images to ")
(set #M_Copying1Img "Copying image: ")
(set #M_ImgDirUp2D "Image directory is up to date!")
;************** work starts **************
(message #M_Welcome)
(set #CPU (database "cpu"))
(if (< #CPU 68020) (abort #E_Need020))
(F_GetDir #P_WInstall #H_WInstall "SYS:wbstartup")
(set #WhereMRQ #Where)
(set @default-dest #WhereMRQ)
(set #Installname (tackon #WhereMRQ "MRQ"))
(set #Oldversion (getversion #Installname))
(set #MRQVersion (getversion "MRQ"))
(set #OldVer (/ #Oldversion 65536))
(set #OldRev (- #Oldversion (* #OldVer 65536)))
(set #MRQVer (/ #MRQVersion 65536))
(set #MRQRev (- #MRQVersion (* #MRQVer 65536)))
(set #OldExists (or #OldVer #OldRev))
(message (cat
(cat #M_VersionToInstall #MRQVer "." #MRQRev "\n\n")
(if #OldExists
(cat #M_InstalledVersion #OldVer "." #OldRev)
(if (not #OldExists)
(tooltype (dest "MRQ") (settooltype "CONFIGFILE" #Configfile))
(tooltype (dest "MRQ") (settooltype "IMAGES" #WhereImages))
(if (getversion "cybergraphics.library" (resident))
(tooltype (dest "MRQ") (settooltype "OK-IMG" (tackon #WhereImages "MRQ_OK.brush")))
(tooltype (dest "MRQ") (settooltype "CANCEL-IMG" (tackon #WhereImages "MRQ_Cancel.brush")))
(F_copymrq 1)
(F_copymrq 0)
(complete 30)
(if (not (exists #Configfile))
(message (cat #M_CfgExists1 #Configfile #M_CfgExists2))
(complete 60)
(if (exists #WhereImages)
(prompt (cat #P_CheckImageDir #WhereImages " ?"))
(help #H_CheckImageDir)
(choices #C_CheckNewImgs1 #C_CheckNewImgs2)
(foreach "MRQ-images" "#?"
(if (not (exists (tackon #WhereImages @each-name)))
(expertmsg (cat #M_Copying1Img @each-name))
(copyfiles (source (tackon "MRQ-images" @each-name)) (dest #WhereImages) (optional askuser))
(expertmsg #M_ImgDirUp2D)
(expertmsg (cat #M_CopyingAllImages #WhereImages))
(foreach "MRQ-images" "#?"
(copyfiles (source (tackon "MRQ-images" @each-name)) (dest #WhereImages) (optional askuser))
(complete 100)